CancerFit is a powerful cancer modeling platform that allows the mathematical study of historical age-specific mortality data for cohorts defined by gender and general ethnicity. This web-based epidemiology database provides easy access to these data and allows the analysis of historical, age and cohort mortality rates for cancers and other major causes of death in the United States since 1890 and in Japan since 1952.

Getting Started

quickstart Learn how to use this site
Learn what the data presented means, including definitions and formulas.
usa View U.S. Mortality Data
Web-based interface to view U.S. Mortality Data for 111 common diseases.
japan View Japanese Mortality Data
Web-based interface to view Japanese Mortality Data.
download Download all Mortality data
All mortality data are presented as Microsoft Excel files.
How to cite CancerFit

Herrero-Jimenez P, Thilly G, Southam PJ, Tomita-Mitchell A, Morgenthaler S, Furth EE, Thilly WG. Mutation, cell kinetics, and subpopulations at risk for colon cancer in the United States. Mutation Research (1998), 400:553-578.

What's New

9/9/2009: Updated Mortality Data to 2006 is now available. Download it as a complete zip file from the Download site.

9/9/2009: The server now points to the current new site. An updated version of CancerFit(TM) and ongoing research will song be posted online for download.

6/8/2009: The Japanese Mortality data is now avaiable. It provides a means of studying cohort-specific mortality rates among Japanese males and females.